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tmeet - Forum - I Raced a Mercdes C32 AMG 2day
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35 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: January 03 2007 at 11:02 PM

  Yo, i just race a C32 AMG on HWY7 yesterday, that thing is pretty slow, like i thought it wud atleast keep up wit my Impreza STI, but it stood no chance, even when we started weaving throught traffic it sitll had no chance, mayb its bcuz i got a Stage 3 turbo on my car, o well, the C32 is pretty slow
37 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: January 04 2007 at 12:19 AM

  wow i am soo happy for you
33 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: January 04 2007 at 12:31 AM



nobody cares
35 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: January 04 2007 at 01:21 AM

  Chis_shadow and others like u!!! dont take thins the wrong way but i dont think that evrybody would be interested in how fast or slow car is!!! My oppinion is that u should go to the place were the ligal races take place and try to ride with somebody who also has a car that as charge as urs!!! Then u can share with everyone what a hero u are, but only after u win something valuable or atlease a car that is the same rank as urs!!! Thats Just my oppinion
37 / Male

Rank: Newbie
Posted: January 04 2007 at 01:27 AM

  c32 isnt slow da driver was shit for sure, try a c55 amg supercharged u wana try that? if ye sure n/p ill be happy
38 / Male

Rank: Newbie
Posted: January 04 2007 at 06:45 AM

  Quote: Chis_Shadow
  Yo, i just race a C32 AMG on HWY7 yesterday, that thing is pretty slow, like i thought it wud atleast keep up wit my Impreza STI, but it stood no chance, even when we started weaving throught traffic it sitll had no chance, mayb its bcuz i got a Stage 3 turbo on my car, o well, the C32 is pretty slow

You BETTER have won that race considering you have a stage 3 in your car haha!!!
39 / Male

Rank: Regular
Posted: January 04 2007 at 01:07 PM

  You don't have a car Chis_Shadow - stop making up bull shit, you didn't race jack shit.
35 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: January 04 2007 at 05:01 PM

  spijion, y dont u stop talkin shit, then put up a pic of ur self, then come and fuckin race me and c if i have a car or not, and c what happends 2 u at the finish line u little fuckin pussy ass bitch
33 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: January 04 2007 at 05:21 PM

33 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: January 04 2007 at 05:22 PM

37 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: January 04 2007 at 07:03 PM

  Quote: spijon
  You don't have a car Chis_Shadow - stop making up bull shit, you didn't race jack shit.

lol fiiiiiiiiiiinaly some one says some thing.... lol bro im behind u all the way... kids theese days. always talking on the internet about their dreams...ahah
35 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: January 04 2007 at 07:11 PM

  Cheese Are U Girl Start Fighting about somr Bullshit???
And Seriuos Stop Making Topics That Noone Cares!!! And Seriuosly Most Of the people Here dont even care about who beat who!!!unless we see u online or on tv ppl would not care!!! And IF u Really did then put Sum pictures up of urself and car or of the race or atlist something cause with out no visual proff all of u write is Kinda bullshit!!!
33 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: January 04 2007 at 07:15 PM

  Quote: Moscow_style
  Cheese Are U Girl Start Fighting about somr Bullshit???
And Seriuos Stop Making Topics That Noone Cares!!! And Seriuosly Most Of the people Here dont even care about who beat who!!!unless we see u online or on tv ppl would not care!!! And IF u Really did then put Sum pictures up of urself and car or of the race or atlist something cause with out no visual proff all of u write is Kinda bullshit!!!

are u new to canada? cuz its kinda hard to understand what ur saying. it'll be easier if you type things properly to understand better. like instead of u, u type you. just a suggestion.
35 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: January 04 2007 at 07:24 PM

  Thank you(u) and yes im!!!
33 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: January 04 2007 at 07:25 PM

  thats awsomee!! im kinda new to canada too!! only almost 6 years...but i still have an accent!! but thats just becuz im a retard.
35 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: January 05 2007 at 01:11 PM

  rofl, its k, its hard 2 loozer ur accent, i still sorta have mine 2, but i speak both fluent russian and english, rofl, neway ye, i just felt like makin this forum not 2 show off or nething, its just that this other kid made 1 like it and every1 was saying how sum1 wit a nice car should race something fast, so thats y i made it, i usually drive normally thought, lmao
33 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: January 05 2007 at 03:02 PM

  my dads a maniac...he drives 100km/h on a 40km/h road...
35 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: January 05 2007 at 09:53 PM

  lmao, thats not a maniac, i did 220k on hwy7 near langstaff road, lmao
33 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: January 05 2007 at 10:40 PM

  yeah but see, theres a difference, my dads in his 40's...
35 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: January 05 2007 at 10:41 PM

tru tru
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